Monday, June 09, 2008

shrimp sushi

shrimp sushi
Originally uploaded by anongrrl

today i made sushi for the first time. i have never seen it made, so it was an adventure! it took a bit longer than expected, but ended up being more or less pretty, if a little lopsided. it tasted yummy, which is the important part! the symmetrical stuff comes later. =>



Zhenia said...


My in-laws have at-home sushi fests numerous times throughout the year. I can't roll to save my life but I'm good at the nigiri.

nicci said...

i did my second attempt today. the roll results were much better. more rice + more filling works for me. i thought i was using too much rice and it was goign to be attack of the monster rolls, but they worked out. yum.

i still prefer the shrimp nigiri to everything else.

mcdc3s said...

I am ashamed to say that I have never tried it.