Wednesday, August 06, 2008

work, travel, and a little trifold promo love

left behind - detail
Originally uploaded by anongrrl

the image you see here is a detail of a piece called Left Behind, one of those new lil drawings i have been working on. it's a catalogue of snippets of thoughts, memories, and images that remind me of my father.

things are pretty quiet on this end. job apps, working in the studio, playing with the kitties and pup, a little web design, a little reading. staying up too late, thusly getting up late. glue, india ink, watercolor, tape, and pencils are my current media of choice. all on heavy paper coated in many, many layers of gesso.

no word yet on the fellowship. waiting, waiting.

i leave for a weekend in Paducah tomorrow morning. southeastern kentucky, beware.

in other news: the announcements/invite for the NKU Alumni show came in the mail today. 50 whopping tri-folds chock full of details cropped so close i can only tell who a few of the pieces belong to. my lil zines are right on the front cover. muah ah ah. so is my face, on the cover of one of said zines. amuse. i watch you!

i am sending some out postal mail, but mostly i'll be slapping down the e-invite in the blog(s) and email when it's sent to me.

1 comment:

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