Sunday, August 26, 2007

heart charms

heart charms
Originally uploaded by anongrrl

today i made some 1x1 inch charms ready to be sewn or wired on as embellishment or as decorative elements in art. these are made of three kinds of paper, watercolor, and marker, and marker edging. unsealed.

i also made some blank versions, just in case the urge to make more strikes.

i would start using these, but i can't find my twisted beading wire. it's around here somewhere, hiding from me!

there are reasons people who could otherwise have a studio in their home do not. i am beginning to see the wisdom of having an off-site studio. when you have a studio in your home, people assume you're ok to chat anytime they get bored and just walk in and blah blah blah. especially on their days off. *twitch*

you can see some charms (similar to these), in action, if you go check out some of my vinyl postcards:

you are beautiful - vinyl postcard
xox - vinyl postcard

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